Dadu: Children's Museum of Qatar's Eid Al Adha 2024 activities at National Museum of Qatar
17/06/2024 - 18/06/2024
Location: National Museum of Qatar
Time: 04:00 pm - 08:00 pm

Dadu: Children’s Museum of Qatar will be hosting a series of activities for Eid Al Adha 2024 at the National Museum of Qatar from 17 - 18 June 2024.


  • Date: 17 & 18 June 2024
  • Time: 4 pm to 8 pm
  • Location: National Museum of Qatar
  • Price: Free


Glowing Eid Cards

Make your Eid Card light up using a special circuit with an LED, coin battery, and copper tape.
Combining art and engineering sparks curiosity and interest in science and encourages creative expression. Creating gifts that they are proud of and sharing with others is one good way to build pride in their abilities and self-esteem.

Bottle Harp

Use your imagination and repurposed materials to make a musical instrument. Music is a fun, playful, and powerful learning tool. Music activity involves many different parts of the brain, fostering creativity and innovation. Making homemade instruments and playing music together as a family is a unique and fun bonding activity.


Music and celebration are closely connected to local traditions of Eid. Join Dadu’s sing-along and learn a new song. Singing has many health benefits; it is an aerobic exercise that improves the efficiency of the cardiovascular system, increasing blood flow. Singing and learning how to communicate freely with voice, face, and body promotes confidence.


Make your own henna design or use a Dadu stencil. This activity fosters hand-eye coordination and leaves room for children to make choices and express their creativity.

Sheep Obstacle Race

Work together as a family to walk the sheep around the obstacle track. Games are a great way to learn teamwork, sharing, and communication skills. Research has shown that children who regularly play games with their family have larger vocabularies, reading scores, and better relationships with peers.

Family Nest Building

Explore creativity and family crafting by making your own family nest. Experiment with hands-on learning through building with natural fibers and mixed materials. Working together on a creative project promotes connection, sharing, and space for interesting conversations. The nest activity helps foster conversations about safe space, home, and community.

Kaaba and Puppets

In this activity, children learn the values of Hajj and how to perform rituals linked with Kaaba. This open play activity invites you to share your own families’ stories of the Hajj. Puppets are great ways for your child to learn new routines and act out stories related to your families’ traditions.