Following the recent visit of Lebanon’s Minister of Agriculture, H.E. Abbas Hajj Hassan, to Qatar, Lebanon confirmed its participation in Expo 2023 Doha.

Lebanon’s participation promises to bring both knowledge and entertainment. As the country with the highest proportion of arable land in the Arab world, Lebanon has already developed a number of innovative agricultural practices, including robotic and digital applications, an aqua-cultural farming system and advanced post-harvest infrastructure.

Agricultural practices, “mouneh” - the traditional Lebanese custom of food collection and preservation, and a wide array of creative performances will all be features in the Lebanese pavilion at the Expo. 

“Lebanon – like other countries in the region – is suffering because of the drought crisis, which has been exacerbated by scarcity of groundwater and climate change effects”, said his Excellency the Lebanese Minister of Agriculture, Dr. Abbas Hajj Hassan. “We are confident that Expo 2023 Doha will increase awareness of practical, long-lasting solutions to these global issues.”

His Excellency also emphasised the long-standing brotherly ties between Qatar and Lebanon. “Naturally, the Expo will help things mature, and we hope it will mark the start and culmination of a brotherly cooperation”, he said.

“Lebanon and Qatar are important partners, and we are happy to host the Lebanese pavilion at the Expo 2023 Doha”, added H.E. Ambassador Mr. Bader Al Dafa, Expo 2023 Doha Commissioner General. “We believe that Lebanon’s participation will spark further regional collaboration in agriculture and horticulture as Arab countries are facing similar challenges and are actively looking for efficient and innovative solutions to tackle them together”.

Spanning a six-month period, from October 2nd, 2023, through to March 28th, 2024, Expo 2023 Doha will take place in the heart of Doha in Al Bidda Park, welcoming citizens and residents of Qatar, international visitors and high-level participants. Over 55 countries and organisations have already confirmed their participation in Expo 2023 Doha.